Maybe you've heard about the benefits of lime for the diet. However, how effective are the benefits of lime in reducing weight? To find out the answer, let's, see the following review.
Lime is rich in vitamin C and water. One lime can meet more than 20 percent of the daily intake of vitamin C the body needs. Not only that, lime also contains other nutrients in small amounts, namely:
- Carbohydrate.
- Protein.
- Fat.
- Fiber.
- Vitamin A, B vitamins, folate, vitamin E and vitamin D.
- Minerals, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.
Benefits of Lime for Diet
Everyone certainly craves the ideal body weight. Various ways heralded diet can lose weight instantly. Be careful, not all diets are medically proven, including using lime juice for a diet. Based on the results of a small-scale study, it is known that people who go on a diet by increasing consumption of citrus fruits, such as lime and lemon, can experience weight loss and body fat levels. However, this effect only lasts for a while. There is no research that can determine how effective the benefits of lime for dieting and maintaining weight in the long run. Although it has not yet been proven effective for diets, this fruit has a number of health benefits. The content of vitamin C in lime can strengthen the immune system, accelerate healing of colds, and accelerate wound recovery by reducing inflammation and stimulating collagen production. In addition, flavonoid compounds in lime have antioxidant properties that play a role in protecting cells from free radicals and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.The Right Diet
The key to going on a diet is to balance the amount of food consumed with the activities that you do. If you eat more than your body needs, unused energy will be stored as fat. This is what makes you gain weight. Conversely, if food intake is reduced or exercise and physical activity are increased, weight will be reduced. To get the ideal body weight, do a healthy diet so that you lose weight slowly but consistently. How, multiply the consumption of protein and foods that contain complex carbohydrates, such as nuts, fruits, and vegetables, and do regular exercise. In conclusion, the benefits of lime for the diet have not been proven and still need further research. However, it never hurts to add lime to your daily food or drink menu, because this fruit contains a variety of nutrients. If you have done a variety of ways to diet but your target weight has not been achieved, then you should consult with a nutritionist.- Dermaga Apung HDPE
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